USTCAF 2022理事会2022年Q2会议纪要

USTCAF 2022理事会2022年Q2会议纪要


时间:2022年4月23日 22:00(美东时间)

与会人:李逊, 黄河, 胡荣湘, 李先进, 牛磊, 黄森华, 迟世宏, 谭雪环, 洪振尘

会议记录/文档存档: 胡荣湘(秘书长)/刘多(秘书处)



  1. USTCAF Finance Update:
  • Treasurer胡荣湘汇报了2021财务。
    • 2021年报和IRS申报正在整理中。IRS 的年度申报截止日期延长到了11月15日, 计划在五月完成申报。
    • Finance Committee 在2021年会议中通过的试用专业投资咨询机构(Merril Lynch)管理USTCAF部分资产的决议已经在2021年12月执行。 2022年五月份是预设的半年度的Checkpoint,到时候会通报理事会结果。
  • Finance Investment committee chair 黄河汇报了专业投资咨询机构里负责USTCAF资金投资的人也许会Contact AF 建议换投资机构。Finance Committee 收到建议后会讨论决定。
  • 李逊建议把所有流程和文件在USTCAF Basecamp 整理存档。
  1. 爱心奖(Goodwill)Program Update (谭雪环, 黄森华) 
    • 2022年Goodwill Campaign 将在6月启动
    • 推进Mentor Program: 现在已经有6个爱心奖学生(Mentee) 和7个校友Mentor报名。 建议通过科大爱心社等推广。另外除了一对一, 也可以尝试一对多讲座等。
  2. 教师奖往届获奖人跟进:牛磊评估继续跟进,是否可以让科大帮跟踪整理, USTCAF在网络宣传。
  3. USTCAF Ambassador项目:李先进已经联络了两位校友参加。
  4. AF日常工作: 建议定期举行志愿者团队的工作会议,执行和跟进AF的各项工作。CEO迟世宏负责,李逊组织开头的几次会议。
  5. 理事们也讨论了USTCAF可以评估的几个事项:是否参与校友们讨论中的科大和国科大合并建议,USTCAF 的Souvenir, 借鉴别的基金会的经验如何提高USTCAF的执行力和扩大影响等。



USTCAF 2022理事会第一次会议纪要

时间:2021年12月10日 22:00(美东时间)

与会人:李逊, 黄河, 胡荣湘, 李先进, 牛磊, 黄森华, 迟世宏, 谭雪环, 洪振尘


会议记录/文档存档: 胡荣湘(秘书长)/刘多(秘书处)



  1. USTCAF2022理事会的选举在11月10日结束。2022年理事会成员共九人, 名单和任期如下:
  • 今年选举的理事(两年任期): 胡荣湘,李先进,迟世宏,谭雪环,李逊、洪振尘
  • 去年选举的理事(还有一年任期): 黄黄河、森华、牛磊


  1. USTCAF2022理事们在2021年12月10日的第一次全体理事会议中,投票选举了2022年的理事会会长和副会长。2021年的会长李先进和副会长黄河经过理事投票分别连任2022年的会长和副会长。


  1. USTCAF财务官John Hu汇报了根据会员提议增添Merrill Lynch的投资managed account作为USTCAF 接受股票捐赠的账号之一(另一个一直使用的账号是USTCAF 在Charles Schwab 的Account)。


  1. 李先进提议设立USTCAF Ambassador项目, 加强招募和培养志愿者团队来分担执行USTCAF的各项工作。在USTCAF网页上也加上一个Ambassador Program 的链接。迟世宏作为USTCAF执行团队的President 来跟李先进一起细化任务和目标。 从2022年元宵晚会开始尝试实行Ambassador计划。


  1. 理事们也讨论了USTCAF需要改进的一些地方:加强宣传力度,改进网站,招募更多志愿者,给教师奖等一些没有项目负责人的项目落实负责人等。


  1. 迟世宏收集理事们的意见,整理规划USTCAF 2022年的工作项目和目标。

USTCAF 2021Q3理事会会议纪要

时间:2021年7月16日 22:00(美东时间)

与会人:李逊, 黄河,胡荣湘, 李先进, 牛磊, 黄森华, 迟世宏


会议记录/文档存档: 胡荣湘(秘书长)/刘多(秘书处)



  1. Resolution on Forming “USTCAF Finance Committee Charter”
    1. Detailed discussions on investment proposal and the resolution can be found in USTCAF basecamp under:

AF 理事会事务: 关于投资提案讨论的记录 (

  1. To form USTCAF Finance Committee. This committee will make the investment decisions for operation team to execute.
  2. Voting results from the board: Resolution is approved by the board

Yes: 李逊, 黄河, 李先进, 牛磊, 黄森华, 胡荣湘

Not present: 迟世宏

  1. Proposal for the 2021 USTCAF Finance Committee:
    1. 2021 Finance committee consists of the following members:
      1. 黄河 (Chair), 迟世宏, 李先进, 牛磊, 胡荣湘
    2. Voting results from the board: proposal is approved by the board

Yes: 李逊, 黄河, 李先进, 牛磊, 黄森华, 胡荣湘

Not present: 迟世宏

  1. 黄河will call committee meetings to decide on investment proposal
  2. Will also seek ways to mitigate risk for the impact of potential financial crisis on AF assets.
  1. USTCAF event around USTC anniversary:
    1. Will hold a large online event on Saturday Sept 11th (US time).
    2. 李先进 will lead the planning of this event, with supports from all board members.
  2. Establish mentors/mentees groups for 2018-2021 yrs goodwill and Chen-lin scholarship receipts and sponsors, individually and as a whole for helping the students in more meaningful ways. This is voluntary, matched, and flexible relationship.
    1. 迟世宏 briefed the board on the details of the proposal. 世宏will lead this activity.

USTCAF 2021Q4理事会会议纪要

 时间:2021年10月15日 22:00(美东时间)

与会人:李逊, 黄河,胡荣湘, 李先进, 牛磊, 黄森华, 迟世宏,谭雪环


会议记录/文档存档: 胡荣湘(秘书长)/刘多(秘书处)


Meeting Minute:

  1. Finance
    1. Investment Proposal:
    2. Merril Lynch has sent in the investment proposal. Finance committee agrees to choose option 2 from the investment proposal.
    3. Need signature from ALL board members on the Merril Lynch EMA account agreement. Sean Li and Steven Li to send in their signatures after the board meeting, rest of board members (except the inactive board member Huadong Pang).
  2. Motion to remove in-active board director Huadong Pang:
    1. Huadong Pang has been in-active and absent from the recent 3 quarterly board meetings. He had told board in Q1’21 meeting that he cannot attend board activities due to personal reasons. In order to prevent Huadong’s inactive status to cause issue in USTCAF board business, and according to the USTCAF bylaw Section 3.13, the board of directors John Hu胡荣湘 and Harry Huang 黄河have motioned to remove Huadong Pang from board of director. Voting is approved unanimously by all 8 board members attending the meeting. Voting record below:

Yes: 李逊, 黄河, 李先进, 牛磊, 黄森华, 迟世宏, 谭雪环, 胡荣湘

  1. USTCAF Teaching and Faculty Awards :
    1. 2021 USTCAF Teaching and Faculty Award candidates have been submitted by USTC. USTCAF will vote to choose the awardees.
    2. Since this year the award ceremony is not tied to the teacher’s day in China, USTCAF board has a few more weeks to review the materials in-detail before voting to choose the awardees.
    3. It is also discussed and agreed by the board to:
      1. Publish all candidates’ names to the USTCAF members’ list (公示), for USTCAF members to review and give any feedback.
      2. After USTCAF board has finalized the awardees, the name list and a brief version (without info that has privacy concern) of the awardee’s profile will also be published to USTCAF members’list.
  • Sean also brought up for discussion whether AF can leverage USTC’s representatives from each awardee’s department to form a committee and select the awardees for AF.
  1. Election for USTCAF 2022 board:
    1. Half of the current USTCAF board members will finish the 2-year term by end of 2021. Election notice for new 2022 board members has been sent out by secretary office.
    2. So far 3 board members (李逊, 胡荣湘, 迟世宏) have submitted their candidacy. One USTCAF member/volunteer 洪振尘 has said will officially submit candidacy soon. 李先进 and 谭雪环will also submit candidacy. Secretary office and board members will continue to promote to USTCAF members to solicitate for more candidates.
  2. Others
    1. 牛磊propose USTCAF President迟世宏 to give a USTCAF annual plan at the beginning of each year, then board can assign resource to support. Every board member can also propose some additional USTCAF plan too.
    2. Harry will have some suggestion to improve the USTCAF webpage, will join IT working group to work out the details there.
    3. 牛磊will summarize USTCAF faculty/Teaching award winners’ information from the past years, to help further promote USTCAF programs.

USTCAF 2021Q2理事会会议纪要

时间:2021年4月2日 22:00(美东时间)

与会人:迟世宏, 胡荣湘, 李先进, 李逊, 黄河, 牛磊, 黄森华, 谭雪环


会议记录/文档存档: 胡荣湘(秘书长)/刘多(秘书处)



  1. 2020 财务 (胡荣湘/李逊)
    1. 2020 运营费用比往年高,主要增加的费用是开始使用CPA来做电子报税, 和秘书处费用不再能从别的渠道共享部分花销。
    2. 2020年报税已经约好CPA在4月底左右完成。年度财报还需要完成跟新创对账部分。
  2. USTCAF Investment proposal (黄河)
    1. Harry has contacted 5 finance management companies for separated manage account proposal for USTCAF. These 5 companies are: BofA ML, Fidelity, JP Morgan, UBS, Vanguard.
    2. A summary of score cards for all five companies are presented.
    3. Shihong, Harry and USTCAF finance team will draft a proposal and capturing the benchmark and escape pass, for the board to vote on.
  3. 爱心奖 (谭雪环、迟世宏):
    1. 有GW捐助人提出贫困生的标准核定问题,爱心奖负责人需要跟进和跟科大厘清.
    2. GW新闻稿需要告知校友们GW资助金额从今年新评选的GW开始升高到每年4500元人民币。
  4. 关于设立USTCAF Chief Security Officer的提议 (牛磊)
    1. 提议设立USTCAF Chief Security Officer掌管AF的IT, Gsuite等,规范个人数据的保护,和保证AF工作和文档的连续性。
    2. 牛磊提议由李嘉做USTCAF Chief Security Officer。
    3. 牛磊根据这次理事会讨论的意见,draft a formal resolution for follow up voting.
  5. USTCAF Documentation 的讨论
    1. 牛磊建议AF考虑用Gsuite 来做 AF documentation
    2. 中国国内的理事和秘书处能否顺畅的使用Gsuite是个潜在的问题。 牛磊会先尝试看秘书处Helen能否使用Gsuite,同时也跟李嘉讨论可行性。
  6. Ambassador program 和 AF的Seminars/Events (李先进)
    1. Run events to train the team
    2. Build volunteer teams and give them growth opportunities and mentoring
    3. USTCAF to host a few more events together with local alumni associations, including a big event in Sept.
  7. 今年科大学生的飞跃计划 (John bring up to the board for Ellen)
    1. Ellen to get a detailed proposal for board to consider.
    2. John propose to also leverage this as an opportunity to recruit USTCAF volunteers.

History category description

Those are all current in effect resolutions

Introduction category description