时间:2021年4月2日 22:00(美东时间)
与会人:迟世宏, 胡荣湘, 李先进, 李逊, 黄河, 牛磊, 黄森华, 谭雪环
会议记录/文档存档: 胡荣湘(秘书长)/刘多(秘书处)
- 2020 财务 (胡荣湘/李逊)
- 2020 运营费用比往年高,主要增加的费用是开始使用CPA来做电子报税, 和秘书处费用不再能从别的渠道共享部分花销。
- 2020年报税已经约好CPA在4月底左右完成。年度财报还需要完成跟新创对账部分。
- USTCAF Investment proposal (黄河)
- Harry has contacted 5 finance management companies for separated manage account proposal for USTCAF. These 5 companies are: BofA ML, Fidelity, JP Morgan, UBS, Vanguard.
- A summary of score cards for all five companies are presented.
- Shihong, Harry and USTCAF finance team will draft a proposal and capturing the benchmark and escape pass, for the board to vote on.
- 爱心奖 (谭雪环、迟世宏):
- 有GW捐助人提出贫困生的标准核定问题,爱心奖负责人需要跟进和跟科大厘清.
- GW新闻稿需要告知校友们GW资助金额从今年新评选的GW开始升高到每年4500元人民币。
- 关于设立USTCAF Chief Security Officer的提议 (牛磊)
- 提议设立USTCAF Chief Security Officer掌管AF的IT, Gsuite等,规范个人数据的保护,和保证AF工作和文档的连续性。
- 牛磊提议由李嘉做USTCAF Chief Security Officer。
- 牛磊根据这次理事会讨论的意见,draft a formal resolution for follow up voting.
- USTCAF Documentation 的讨论
- 牛磊建议AF考虑用Gsuite 来做 AF documentation
- 中国国内的理事和秘书处能否顺畅的使用Gsuite是个潜在的问题。 牛磊会先尝试看秘书处Helen能否使用Gsuite,同时也跟李嘉讨论可行性。
- Ambassador program 和 AF的Seminars/Events (李先进)
- Run events to train the team
- Build volunteer teams and give them growth opportunities and mentoring
- USTCAF to host a few more events together with local alumni associations, including a big event in Sept.
- 今年科大学生的飞跃计划 (John bring up to the board for Ellen)
- Ellen to get a detailed proposal for board to consider.
- John propose to also leverage this as an opportunity to recruit USTCAF volunteers.