2017 二季度理事会议纪要

USTCAF2017理事会二季度会议于美东2017年4月11日22:00在 ZOOM 会议室召开。







1. 张玮秘书长汇报了秘书处第一季度的工作以及预算,一致通过;

2. 张玮秘书长提议恢复Newsletter,一致通过;

3. 张冬欣汇报四牌楼基金状态,和鲍若愚合作发送出很多邮件,最终一共募集到两笔共600美元的捐款,之后会继续推广这个基金;

4. 周为民汇报GW助学金,再次介绍特别助学金。会议决定以后GW认捐网页不再承诺屏蔽来自ustc.edu.cn域名的访问。今年的募捐将继续由周为民和Helen秘书合作完成;

5. 王艾伦汇报飞跃项目,会议决定成立飞跃子基金,由王艾伦负责募捐。该子基金将自负盈亏,用于支持所有飞跃项目,包括飞跃手册、飞跃指路、飞跃聚餐等,并计划将来合适时推出飞跃奖学金;

6. 会议一致通过李逊提议的新的bylaw。

USTCAF 2017 理事会一季度会议纪要

USTCAF2017理事会一季度会议于美东2017年1月12日22:00在 ZOOM 会议室召开。





参会8位理事经投票表决,全票选出董群峰出任 USTCAF 2017 理事会主席。




Board Meeting Minutes, Aug 6th, 2013

Minutes of Meeting of The Board of Directors of

University of Science and Technology of China Alumni Foundation

1. Time and Place. The Board of Directors ("Board") of the University of Science and Technology of China Alumni Foundation (USTCAF) held its meeting on 8/6/2013 at 6pm Pacific Daylight time.

Board Meeting Minutes, Dec 18th, 2013


Minutes of Meeting of The Board of Directors of
University of Science and Technology of China Alumni Foundation (USTCAF, or AF)
1. Time and Place. The Board of Directors ("Board") of the University of Science and Technology of China Alumni Foundation (USTCAF) held its meeting on 12/18/2013 at 9pm Eastern Standard time.

2011 AF Board

Here are the members of the 2011 board. Additional information about the board operations can be found in the Board Orientation Material.


2011 USTCAF Executive Committee

Chair, Xiaohua Gong, 龚晓华,理事会主席

Vice-Chair, Dawei Bai, 白大伟,理事会副主席

Secretary, Linghang Ying, 应凌航,理事会秘书长


2011 Governing Board Member List

丁一戈 DING, Yige Justin, 0601

薛天 XUE, Tian, 9500/9508 【由于返回科大任教,于2012年7月底辞职】

应凌航 YING, Linghang, 0302

李逊 LI, Xun Steven, 856

黄鹏俊 HUANG, Pengjun Jeff, 876

白大伟 BAI, Dawei David, 814/8110

龚晓华 GONG, Xiaohua, 9108

History category description

Those are all current in effect resolutions

Introduction category description