
We aim to provide as much transparency to our membership base as possible. Among the information we provide online:

  • Where are all the donations?
    Each and every one of our donations is listed online on our legacy site which houses the complate database: all donation records.

Contact Us

Here are the various ways you can contact the USTC AF:

Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

USTCAF 2024 Governing Board

  • Chair: Lei Niu 牛磊 ( lei.niu.ny [AT] )
  • Vice-Chair: Meng Pang  庞梦 ( pangmeng.ustc [AT] )
  • President: CHI Shihong 迟世宏 ( chi_shihong[AT] )
  • Secretary: HU Rongxiang 胡荣湘 ( johnrhu[AT] )
  • Treasurer: HU Rongxiang 胡荣湘 ( johnrhu[AT] )

Telephone: (408) 646-4831 (Mr. John Rongxiang Hu)


If you make a check donation, please make it payable to USTCAF and mail it to

University of Science and Technology of China Alumni Foundation
5255 Stevens Creek Blvd., Suite 121
Santa Clara, CA 95051

Note: Please also write your email address, USTC class number and your Chinese name on the check.

For company matching purposes, our TaxID (or Employer ID, aka EIN) is 51-0367667.
USTCAF Corporation Number: State of Delaware, Secretary of State, Division of Corporations. Filed 09:00 AM 07/10/1995: 950153325 - 2523973
Current registration agent address: University of Science and Technology of China Alumni Foundation, 5255 Stevens Creek Blvd., Suite 121, Santa Clara, CA 95051
More information can be find here.




New York Office Address:

USTC Alumni Foundation
210 Nelson Road
Scarsdale, NY 10583

Finance Committee Charter

Finance Committee Charter
As adopted by the USTCAF Board of Directors
on July 16, 2021

I. Purpose

The Finance Committee of the Board of Directors ("Board") of The University of Science and Technology of China ("USTCAF") is responsible for:

A. Developing and recommending short and long-range strategic financial objectives for the Foundation; and

B. Providing strategic oversight on financial matters for the Foundation.

Finance Committee Meeting Minutes - July 31, 2021


时间:2021 年 7 月 31 日美国东部时间晚上 10 点至 11 点 15 分
中科大理事会于2021 年 7 月 16 日决定成立的财务管理委员会召开了第一次虚拟会议。委员会五名成员均出席了会议,达到会议法定人数。

Introduction to the USTC AF Finance Operations

Treasurer: HU, Rongxiang (John), confirmed in Feb, 2011.

Full Accounting Records in Real Time:

History category description

Those are all current in effect resolutions

Introduction category description