Resolution GBR-2006019 |
Title Revised Guidelines for the USTCAF Young Faculty Career Award |
Content This is the fourth amendment to GBR-2000-7-3 (Guidelines for the USTCAF Young Faculty Career Award) and the direct revision to GBR-2002006 (Revised Guidelines for the USTCAF Young Faculty Career Award) in response to the need to establish separate awards for outstanding academic achievements and early career development among young faculties.
(Note: AF is a shorthand name for USTC Alumni Foundation (USTCAF); GB stands for the governing board of USTCAF. The usage of AF or GB is exclusive in this article; no other interpretation is acceptable.)
To support promising young faculty members in their early career development at USTC.
The Young Faculty Career Award (YFCA) is awarded annually to four qualified member(s) of the USTC faculty, each with a total cash amount of $1,000, depending on the credentials of candidates and the availability of funds. Applications of no less than five candidates shall be submitted by USTC to USTCAF at least one month before the start of a new academic year. The GB first makes a preliminary selection of recipients and notifies USTC, then modifies this preliminary selection if necessary based on the feedback from USTC and makes the final decision on recipients. The GB announces the recipients at the beginning of a new academic year. The award is given out in one installment.
To qualify for the YFCA, a candidate MUST fulfill all of the following list of requirements:
(a) Be an active member of the USTC faculty at the HEFEI campus, (b) Be nominated by USTC based on promises in research, (c) Be a Ph.D. holder from an accredited Chinese or international institution, (d) Be of 35 years old or younger, (e) Be an Associate Professor at USTC, (f) Joined USTC faculty within the last 3 years, (g) Has not previously received YFCA or YFAA, (h) Has submitted all the application materials (see below), and (i) Maintains on the USTC faculty during the academic year when receiving the award.
The application for YFCA must include: (a) One page essay stating the applicant's career aspirations at USTC, and how your work and service contributed/will contribute to USTC significantly in the past and in the future, (b) a curriculum vita, (c) a list of four references, at least two are outside USTC, and (d) other supplemental materials the applicant deems helpful in his/her application.
It is the responsibility of USTC to make public the selection criteria of this award to all eligible candidates. It is the responsibility of USTC to submit the list of candidates and their applications to GB in time for it to make the necessary decisions. It is the responsibility of USTC to verify the information provided in the applications including the letters of recommendations. It is the responsibility of USTC to distribute the award money and certificates to awardees when an official AF representative is not able to be on site. All eligible candidates should contact USTC for issues regarding nomination. AF welcomes comments and feedback from candidates and faculty members/students. AF is not liable for any dispute due to failure of USTC to comply with its above-mentioned responsibilities.
GB realizes that the standards and information used in the selection process as provided may not be the best or complete but will assume no liability for such and will reserve the right to reject any candidate based on its best judgments.
This award is intended to support promising young faculty members in their early career development at USTC and promote the excellence of USTC. If the recipient terminates his/her association with USTC for any reason during the academic year of the award, USTCAF reserves the right to withdraw the award from such a recipient. The recipient of AF's awards should bear high moral and merit standards. If a recipient is found to have serious misconduct, such as forging merit documents or participating in criminal activities, AF reserves the right to revoke the certificate of the recipient, to publicize and notify concerned parties, or to seek further legal actions if applicable. The revoked recipient will be permanently prohibited from receiving any future AF awards. The decision to revoke an award has to be approved by 2/3 majorities of GB members. Under such circumstances, there may not be awardees for a given year.
AF is the only legitimate organization in providing such an award. AF is entitled to make final decisions on the awards and revoke an award if the actions of a recipient violate the spirit of this award.
Were there any conflict of interests, AF will reserve the final rights to interpret this article. The decisions by GB on matters related to this award are final. AF bears no legal obligations to recipients of this award, USTC or concerning parties.
Any exemption from the guidelines listed in this article or modifications concerning this award will need to be approved by at least 2/3 GB members. |
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Resolution GBR-2009023 |
Title Exemption to GBR-2005014 (for donation from Tabula, Inc. to YIBing fund) |
Proposal of Transferring Total Donation to YI, Bing FundUniversity of Science and Technology of China Alumni Foundation Governing Board (USTCAFGB) of 2009 sincerely and deeply regret the tragic loss that happened to our alumni YI, Bing of USTC class 856. We cardinally thank the generous donation from Tabula, Inc. to Bing fund in the amount of $20,000. Based on the bylaw of USTCAF and the donor's explicit request, we hereby proposed to transfer the donation to Bing and waiver the first $100 to the scholarship and the deduction of 50% above $1000 to general fund required by USTCAFGB resolution GBR-2005014.Note:This Proposal should be approved by 2/3 USTCAFGB 2009 members. Please cast your vote no later than Wednesday, June 10th of 2009. Note on June 16 2009. The company arranged for another means of giving donations to YI Bing, not via USTCAF. |
Add'l info It is passed by 18/20 GB. |
Author CHEN Xiaogang |
Sponsors ZHANG Xiaohua |
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Resolution GBR-2008022 |
Title Resolution for AF’s Endorsement of the Suzhou Declaration |
Content (Please use Unicode (UTF-8) to view this Chinese document.) Resolution for AF’s Endorsement of the Suzhou Declaration
Note: USTC stands for University of Science and Technology of China; AF stands for University of Science and Technology of China Alumni Foundation (USTCAF); GB stands for the governing board of USTCAF. The usage of AF or GB is exclusive in this resolution article, and any other interpretations are not acceptable.
On June 7th, 2008, the USTC Alumni Association at Suzhou hosted a meeting in Suzhou, China to discuss the establishment of a globally united USTC Alumni Foundation (formal name to be determined. Hereinafter: UAF in this resolution only). The leaders of USTC Alumni Association at Suzhou, Shanghai, Beijing, Jiangsu, Hong Kong, Guangdong, and Shenzhen, as well as the leader of USTC Initiative Foundation attended this meeting. The representatives of USTC Alumni Association at Silicon Valley of United States and the USTC Alumni Foundation also attended this meeting. At the closure of the meeting, Suzhou Declaration was proposed (see the attachment) and it called for the endorsement from global USTC Alumni Associations.
Endorsement of the Suzhou Declaration (hereinafter: The Endorsement), hence to express a goodwill of AF to support the establishment of the UAF, which is expected to consolidate all the alumni resources and to serve USTC and its alumni in a united voice.
AF will form a specific committee (hereinafter: The Committee) to oversee the future development of the proposed UAF, to actively contribute to the drafting of its bylaws and to play a leadership role in the entire process of establishing the UAF. “The Committee” will report to GB periodically. “The Committee” will automatically dissolve one year after the conclusion of the resolution. GB reserves the rights to reorganize, extend, and terminate “The Committee” at any time. GB also reserves the right to withdraw from “The Endorsement” at anytime.
AF is the only organization to interpret “The Endorsement” resolution.
Any exemption from “The Endorsement” resolution article needs the approval of two thirds of the GB members.
Author: Xiaohua Zhang Sponsors: Daniel Zhao, Chengyu Jiang, and Alex Mou |
Add'l info Attachment: 苏州宣言(草案) ——发起中国科学技术大学校友基金会(暂定名)的倡议书 2008 年6 月7 日,中国科学技术大学苏州校友会、北京校友会、上海校友会、江苏校友会、 广东校友会、深港校友会、香港校友会、硅谷校友会、海外校友基金会(USTCAF)和校友 新创基金会等全球相关校友组织负责人或代表在苏州市人民大会堂召开校友基金会筹备会 议(以下简称苏州会议)。 多年来,海内外校友以情系母校、薪火传承的精神推动中国科大发展。早在1995 年,海外校友开创性发起了完全由志愿者运作的组织——中国科大海外校友基金会(简称USTCAF)。USTCAF 以民主、透明的模式尝试校友基金的努力,在海内外校友享有盛誉。 2006 年,中国科大校友新创基金会(简称新创基金会)开始运作。作为USTCAF 的传承与发 展,新创基金会团队正以实质性资助,在招生与学生培养、师资队伍建设等关键方向力促科 大发展做出有力尝试。新创基金会的郭沫若奖学金、口述校史、招生专项基金、“新创讲席 教授”等项目部分初见成效。新创基金会代表专业团队,通过可操作途径筹集校友基金的崭 新实践。 2008 年,改革开放走过三十年光辉历程;同时中国科学技术大学即将迎来创办五十周年大 庆。“科教报国五十年”,中国科大书写了一部坎坷与荣耀交织的传奇。喜庆之时,出席苏 州会议的各地校友会代表一致同意,全球校友为中国科大建立统一、专业的校友基金的时机 已基本成熟。出席苏州会议的各地校友组织代表一致同意并呼吁: 1)我们应发起中国科学技术大学校友基金会(暂定名)。认同并签署苏州宣言的科大校友基 金组织将整合到中国科学技术大学校友基金会旗下,有效凝聚校友资源;以同一声音、同一 品牌出现,以便在条件成熟时多方面拓展资金来源,争取成长为教育基金会,参与中国未来 可期望之教育改革,迎接中国科大新的五十年。 2)中国科学技术大学校友基金会由各地校友组织民间发起,以专业团队运作,与中国科学 技术大学保持“合作但独立”的关系。 3)出席苏州会议的校友组织是中国科学技术大学校友基金会的倡议发起方。倡议发起方负 责人或代表在2008 年6 月8 日草签苏州宣言。各倡议发起方将以理事会(或决策机构)通过决议文形式正式签署苏州宣言; 凡在此基金会正式成立前签署苏州宣言的校友组织和代表,均视为发起方,我们热诚 邀请海内外的中国科学技术大学各地校友会加盟发起方,共襄盛举。 4)中国科学技术大学校友基金会的宗旨为:推动中国科学技术大学创办世界一流大学的进 程;有效促进中国教育体系变革,重塑中国大学精神。 5)中国科学技术大学校友基金会的章程、组织架构和战略规划将在后继筹备会议中凝聚校 友智慧商定。中国科学技术大学校友基金会第二次筹备会议暂定在上海召开。 苏州宣言(草案)签署页 校友组织 负责人或代表签名日期 中国科技大学苏州校友会 中国科技大学江苏校友会 中国科技大学北京校友会 中国科技大学上海校友会 中国科技大学广州校友会 中国科技大学深港校友会 中国科技大学香港校友会 中国科技大学硅谷校友会 中国科技大学海外校友基金会代表 中国科技大学校友新创基金会 注:校友组织负责人或代表签署苏州宣言(草案)签署页,仅为草签协议。以该校友组织的 理事会(或决策机构)通过的决议文视为正式签署苏州宣言。__ (20) [21] (21) [22] (22) [23] (23) [24] (24) [25] (25) [26] (26) [27] (27) [28] (28) [29] (29) [30] (30) [31] (31) [32] (32) [33] (33) [34] (34) [35] (35) [36] (36) [37] (37) [38] (38) [39] (39) [40] (40) [41] (41) [42] (42) [43] (43) [44] (44) [45] (45) [46] (46) [47] (47) [48] (48) [49] (49) [50] (50) [51] (51) [52] (52) [53] (53) [54] (54) [55] (55) [56] (56) [57] (57) [58] (58) [59] (59) [60] (60) [61] (61) [62] (62) [63] (63) [64] (64) [65] (65) [66] (66) [67] (67) [68] (68) [69] (69) [70] (70) [71] (71) [72] (72) [73] (73) [74] (74) [75] (75) [76] (76) [77] (77) [78] (78) [79] (79) [80] (80) [81] (81) [82] (82) [83] (83) [84] (84) [85] (85) [86] (86) [87] (87) [88] (88) [89] (89) [90] (90) [91] (91) [92] (92) [93] (93) [94] (94) [95] (95) [96] (96) [97] (97) [98] (98) [99] (99) [100] (100) [101] (101) [102] (102) [103] (103) |
Author Xiaohua Zhang |
Sponsors Daniel Zhao, Chengyu Jiang, and Alex Mou |
Last Change 2008-09-4 |
Resolution GBR-2010025 |
Title Form of the legal committee and Approval of paying legal fee for professional assistance, 2009GB |
January 5th, 2010
GB stands for the governing board of USTCAF.
On December 28th 2009, Mr. Li, Xun raised a lawsuit against the USTCAF GB2009 challenging its legitimacy. Please see attached letter from court for details
2. Resolution
The legal committee consists of the following six members from the USTCAF GB2009: Xuejun WU, WeiJia WANG, Xiaohua ZHNAG, Hua JIANG, Xiaogang CHEN, Tian XUE. In order to make sure that our following decisions comply to the US federal and Delaware State laws, USTCAF GB2009 decided to seek professional legal assistance from a well respected law firm (to be determined and announced as soon as the legal committee makes the final choice), including reviewing of the bylaw proposed by GB2009, negotiation with the attorney of the plaintiff and possible appearance in court (even though, GB2009 and the legal committee will strive the hardest to avoid such a result). There will be cost incurred from the professional legal assistance. Although GB2009 tries to minimize the operational cost, in view of the currently unfortunate development and in order to avoid any delay in legal response, GB2009 decides to approve this legal cost and to authorize Shangyou ZHANG to send necessary legal fee to the chosen attorney in a timely manner. GB2009 may set up a special fund accepting pledges for the legal cost if the majority GB2009 members vote so. The Chair of GB2009 will notify Shangyou ZHANG about the exact number of fee and the time it should be sent. No other resolution is needed for each such transaction, but GB2009 and Shangyou ZHANG should formally record every transaction clearly, openly and separately for accounting purpose.
3. Bill of Conflicts
Were there any conflict of interests, AF will reserve the final rights to interpret this article. The decisions made by GB on matters related to set up the legal committee and to handle the legal fee are final.
4. Exemptions Any exemption from the guidelines listed in this article or modifications concerning this matter will need to be approved by at least 2/3 GB members.
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Author CHEN Xiaogang |
Sponsors WANG, Weijia WU, Xuejun |
Last Change 2010-Jan-05 |
- RESOLUTION: GBR-201026 On legal review of 2009 Bylaws, 2009GB
- RESOLUTION: GBR-201027 On hiring professional accountant to audit AF's finance for fiscal year 2009
- RESOLUTION: GBR-2012-2-28 Guidelines for Establishing USTCAF Named Awards and Scholarships
- RESOLUTION: GBR-201229 Revised Guidelines for the USTCAF Faculty Awards
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