Donation Management Procedures

Update on 1/16/2011: this set of instructions are now obsolete, new ones to come when new accounting system is well in place. -Steven


For USTC AF Staff Only

Become a Goodwill Sponsor

If you (or with your classmates together) are willing to sponsor a student, here is the step by step instruction:

How to Make a Donation


For the impatient: Start Now!


USD Donations

  1. Start with the pledge form;
  2. Tell us your name, email, how much to donate, subfund, etc, so that we can process your donation more effectively;
  3. After the pledge form, you will be guided to the donation page, and you can use whatever works best for you:
    • Mail a check to USTCAF (preferred for large donations to avoid transaction fees):

    University of Science and Technology of China Alumni Foundation
    5255 Stevens Creek Blvd., Suite 121
    Santa Clara, CA 95051

    • Donate through a credit card, paypal etc;

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