USTCAF是一个501(C)(3)非营利组织。自1995年成立以来,它由数千名会员选举产生的董事会运营。我们真诚地希望您能继续支持我们:无论是作为捐赠者,志愿者,或者如果您已经是会员并希望产生更大影响,您也可以在即将到来的董事会选举中参选(在12月21日之前发送电子邮件至This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)。
您可以在www.ustcaf.org上查看信息以捐赠给USTCAF,也可以通过This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.联系我们,通过简单的步骤设立公司、班级或捐赠者赞助的子基金。
中国科学技术大学校友基金会(University of Science and Technology of China Alumni Foundation,简称USTCAF)成立于1995年,是由中科大海外校友自发组建的501C(3)非盈利组织,也是中国大学中的第一个校友基金会。USTCAF旨在推动中国科大成为世界一流大学,帮助科大师生和校友不断追求卓越,致力于让每一位科大人,无论贫富贵贱,都能享有成功进取的机会。
On behalf of the entire team at University of Science and Technology of China Alumni Foundation (USTCAF) (, we would like to take a moment in this special season to say THANK YOU to all volunteers, donors and participants.
USTCAF is a 501C (3) non-profit organization. It is run by the board elected by its thousands of members since its foundation in 1995. We sincerely wish you can continue to join our good cause together: either as a caring donor; a dedicated volunteer; or if you have been a member and like to make a bigger impact, you can also run for a board position in the coming board election (email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before Dec 25th).