WHEREAS, The University of Science and Technology of China Alumni Foundation (USTCAF) is a Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation, incorporated in the State of Delaware, qualified pursuant to the provisions of Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3), and
WHEREAS, The USTCAF has defined its membership qualification as Exhibit A in the bylaws, which was last adopted in 2016; and
WHEREAS, the bylaws authorizes the board to modify the membership criteria from time to time; and
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the USTCAF hereby adopts the following membership qualification criteria:
- Anyone who donated to USTCAF in excess of $20 and has the donation received and recorded by USTCAF between Nov 1, 2022 (ONE TIME CUTOFF DATE) and the date we send out the notice for the next membership meeting (NOTICE DATE) is a valid USTCAF Member from now till the NOTICE DATE;
- Anyone who qualified as a lifetime member at the time of our 2016, and who casted their vote for directors in any of the elections since then, up to the 2022 election, is a lifetime member of the USTCAF.
- Beyond the NOTICE DATE, a person becomes a member of USTCAF for one year, or renews his or her membership for one year, by one of the following means: (1) pay an annual membership due of $10, or (2) submit a pledge form hosted our one web site, with which the person agrees to be bound by the terms of the USTCAF Membership Agreement also published on our web site, and remit a payment exceeding $20 within 30 days. Such membership activation or renewal is effective on the day we record the receipt of the payment. The board reserves the right to deny new membership or membership renewal.
- Beyond the NOTICE DATE, a person who qualified as a lifetime member but otherwise did not meet the requirement of item 2 above, can contact us and have his or her membership status reinstated within 3 years of the NOTICE DATE
- Any member can terminate his/her membership by writing to us requesting as such.
- The board can terminate the membership of any member if it deems that the member has violated the Membership Agreement, in which case the USTCAF shall refund the membership dues and all donations received in the preceding 365 days.
Special Note: this resolution was proposed by Steven Li , seconded by John Hu , during the board meeting held on Nov 3, 2023 , and was duly passed.