Become a Goodwill Sponsor

If you (or with your classmates together) are willing to sponsor a student, here is the step by step instruction:

2010 - October Honor Roll

CHEN Yiming 陈一鸣
JIE Min 揭敏
YUAN Peng 袁鹏
WU Youjin 吴有金
LI Wendong 李文东
ZANG Zhihong 臧智宏
ZHU Yuxin 朱育新
XIE Bingpeng 颉秉鹏
LIAO Jianhui 廖建辉
CHEN Dapang

How to Make a Donation


For the impatient: Start Now!


USD Donations

  1. Start with the pledge form;
  2. Tell us your name, email, how much to donate, subfund, etc, so that we can process your donation more effectively;
  3. After the pledge form, you will be guided to the donation page, and you can use whatever works best for you:
    • Mail a check to USTCAF (preferred for large donations to avoid transaction fees):

    University of Science and Technology of China Alumni Foundation
    5255 Stevens Creek Blvd., Suite 121
    Santa Clara, CA 95051

    • Donate through a credit card, paypal etc;

2010 - September Honor Roll

YING Linghang   应凌航  
HE Jianchun             
Freddie Mac Foundation          
SUN Heng        孙衡    
HAN Guowen      韩国文  
WANG Qingjun    王青俊  
CHEN Lang       陈浪

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