
Dear USTCAF Members:

This is the email ballot for the Election 2011 of USTCAF. Please take a little patience and read through the whole message.


(1) From 00:00 on November 1, 2011 to 23:59 November 14, 2011, both in USA Eastern Time.
(2) Your email ballot outside the time frame above will be IGNORED.

USTCAF Election 2011 Candidates

The following is the list of candidates and their statements. (in the order of nomination received).

  • Official voting will begin at 12:00AM on November 1 and end at 11:59PM on November 14, 2011, US Eastern Time.

  • A valid email ballot has to have a time stamp within the window of time abovementioned.

1 Yige Ding (丁一戈), class of 0601, justindtc AT

2006-2010 BS, USTC
2010- now M.S. Columbia University

I am studying Operations Research at Columbia University. My undergraduate major was Mathematics at USTC. I exceled as leaders in different associations at USTC, where I was heavily involved in various student professional organizations on campus, and I learned to maximize publicity and profit for the groups.

What is more, I have endless passion for life and positive attitude even in difficulty, which I believe would benefit the USTCAF. Finally, I am good at writing, that I have published a prose book in China when I was in USTC. I firmly believe that I will do everything I can do to serve the USTCAF. Thank you for your time and consideration.
2 Tian Xue (薛天) class of 9500/9508, txue AT

1995-2000 USTC, Biology & SCGY
2000-2005 Johns Hopkins Univeristy, Medical School (Ph.D. Physiolgy)
2006-present Johns Hopkins Univeristy, Medical School (Post-doc Neuroscience)


3 Linghang Ying (应凌航) class of 0302  ying069 AT Gmail

2007-present Ph.D Candidate, Department of Physics, Tulane University
2003-2007 USTC BS in Physics

4 LI, Xun (aka Steven, 李逊) - class of 856 s t e v e 9 8 at gmail dot com
Present: Partner, Not-yet-launched Technology Incubator
2006 - 2011: Director of Technology, Cisco Systems
1991 - 2005: various odd jobs in Silicon Valley and elsewhere
1989 - 1991: MSEE, Univ. of Hawaii
1985 - 1989: USTC

I was involved with the AF since the early days, and have managed the
do the following in the 2010-2011 term: 1. Built a new accounting
system for the AF, now tracking all aspects of our operation, and make
all information available to our members in real time. 2. Built a new
web site for the AF, now one of the contributors. 3. Served as
volunteer bookkeeper and reconciled our financial books for the
1995-2010 period, and each quarter starting 2011, again with all
detailed records open to all members. 4. Edited first one of the new
newsletter series. 5. Recruited volunteers for a number of operations
and fund-raising functions.

I see a number of big challenges ahead for the AF. We are not engaging
with the alumni community nearly well enough, we don't yet have a role
with fund raising responsibilities, we are not tracking the 1000+
award recipients over the past 16 years, many of whom went on to
prominent careers. Much of the work ahead of us take in these general
directions, starting with mundane tasks such as publishing our
newsletters regularly. I hope to serve again in the next term, and
would also encourage everyone else to participate, either in the
election and run for board seats, or in the future as a volunteer to
help with all the work needed, mundane or otherwise.
5 Jeff Pengjun Huang, class of 876. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
1996 -- MSEE, UCLA
1996 -- present, Qualcomm Inc.

I have been a believer and supporter of USTCAF through donations  since 1996 after I met with one of the founders. I am supporting students through Goodwill Scholarship and sponsored four students in the last year. Currently I am serving on the board of a local elementary school foundation.
As USTCAF board member, I will contribute ideas for fundraising and particularly focus on programs that support students in financial needs.
6 David Bai 814/8110, Currently working at Morgan Stanley.

I got involved in the Alumni Foundation when it first started, and have been its chairman in the past year.  We have done a lot in the past year, especially we had a smooth transition during a difficult time.  I'd like to continue to serve it in the new year, not as its Chairman but a board member only.  I hope we can have more alumni joining it and help it grow.
7 龚晓华 Xiaohua Gong, 9108, xiaohua.gong AT gmail dot com
1991 - 1996, USTC Department of Biology
Currently, GlaxoSmithKline, RTP, NC

I have been a long time member of USTCAF since 1998.  Starting in October 2010, I began my volunteering with the governing board of USTCAF (GB2010) and have been involved with many activities such as bylaws revisions, USTCAF announcements, members' inquiries, the new USTCAF web/forum/accounting systems, newsletters, and other spontaneous issues.  Looking at the past year, I think the board of 2010 has made substantial progress on several fronts of USTCAF business such as
  • The accounting and finance (transfer of accounts and the guardianship in spite of two treasurer appointments within 4 months);
  • Good Will scholarship fund raising (112 financially challenged USTC undergraduate students received four-year sponsorships at RMB3000 per year, among whom 12 students entered USTC in 2008 and 50 students in 2009 and 2010, respectively) that was more than double of the good will fund raising efforts in a regular yea;
  • Bylaws revisions (two rounds of revisions transforming/enhancing/supplementing the rules on membership, election procedures and administration, the duration of term and the internal running of governing board, etc.);
  • IT infrastructure such as a new USTCAF web site, a new web-interfaced accounting system, a proprietary USTCAF discussion forum for exchanging opinions within the board and between the board and our members;
  • Improved frequency and timeliness of our engagement with the member base such as newsletters and spontaneous Q&A with members, etc.
However, there are still much to do and to continuously improve at USTCAF.  In recognition of this fact, I am willing to run for a seat in the next board of 2011 and continue working towards the missions of USTCAF as well as serving the members of USTCAF and the larger community of USTC alumni.





如果您有意参选2011届理事会,请不迟于美东时间10月24日(含)提交一份参选声明(范本见此并发送邮件至This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 同时 cc给 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



龚晓华 (9108)





  • 本次选举的投票时间为美东时间2011年11月1号零时零分开始,美东时间2011年11月14号23时59分截止。
  • 您通过电子邮件发送的选票的时间戳(time stamp)是我们判定您的投票是否在上文提及的时间区间以内的唯一标准。其它的判定合格选票的规定请参见理事会2011版章程(章程全文见 , 选举相关的条文见于III-4)。
  • 在本次选举中,共有二十个理事会席位开放供选举产生。其中按得票数从高到低,前十位当选理事的任期为两年,余者任期一年。详细规定见于2011版章程的III-4-p 条文。
  • 本次选举,候选人的提名(可以自我提名,也可以提名他人)的截止日期是美东时间2011年10月24号(含)。以提名邮件的时间戳为准。随后我们将核查候选资格,并将在选票邮件内公布完整名单供投票。

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