USTCAF Zhang Xiaozheng Memorial Scholarship is endowed by her family members.
Professor Zhang Xiaozheng was admitted by USTC in Class of 1964, majoring in Biophysics. Professor Zhang later switched her research and education focus to computer and information science. She was a professor and doctoral advisor in the School of Computer and Information Science at the Southwest University, Chongqing, China, until her passing in 2006.
张小真是中国科大64级校友, 曾就读于生物物理专业。张小真校友生前是西南大学计算机与信息科学学院计算机系的教授, 计算机辅助教学方向博士生导师。
2014 Excellent New Student Award 洪冉 生物科学类
2013 Excellent New Student Award 李甜 生物科学类
2012 Excellent New Student Award 雷张梦雪 生命科学与技术基地班
2009 Excellent New Student Award 吴申杰 生命科学
2008 Excellent New Student Award 司 竹 生物科学
2007 Outstanding New Student Award 王 丹 物理学类