Goodwill 2013 Candidates

Dear alumni,

ALL the students have found their sponsors. Thanks a lot for your support and attention! - updated on 7/3/2014


These forty 2013 students are seeking one-one financial support to complete their college in USTC.

Please read some of them below, and we hope you can choose to sponsor one of the students, and become one of the most important persons in his or her life for a long time to come. To do that, head over to our Become a Goodwill Sponsor page.

The students in red already have found their sponsors. And the others in black are still seeking sponsors.




序号 学号 学院 姓名 生源地(省市) 资助者 爱心基金
1 PB12007146 地空学院 陈远强 安徽池州    
2 PB12007337 地空学院 信丹威 河南周口    
3 PB12005026 工程学院 宫鹏 吉林省通化市    
4 PB12005009 工程学院 彭俊 重庆市    
5 PB12009054 工程学院 吕志 安徽铜陵    
6 PB12013007 工程学院 孙赛菲(女) 河南平顶    
7 PB12013028 工程学院 郑传懋 江西景德镇    
8 PB12204053 管理学院 郑丽丽(女) 安徽马鞍山    
9 PB12214021 核学院 王学栋 甘肃    
10 PB12214038 核学院 王震 湖北    
11 PB12206262 化学院 廖凡(女) 湖南衡阳    
12 PB12206286 化学院 文金国 四川安县    
13 PB12206225 化学院 杨仕哲 湖北    
14 PB12206237 化学院 闫鹏飞 河南    
15 PB12206092 化学院 樊凯 湖北省汉川市    
16 PB12011060 计算机学院 胡玲(女) 江西省吉安市    
17 PB12011094 计算机学院 李丹(女) 吉林省长春市    
18 PB12025006 人文学院 李冰 辽宁省锦州市    
19 PB12000665 少年班学院 张桂侠(女) 新疆乌鲁木齐市    
20 PB12000628 少年班学院 王淋 河南省洛阳市    
21 PB12000681 少年班学院 刘艺(女) 山东莱芜    
22 PB12000637 少年班学院 朱睿(女) 河南商丘    
23 PB12000643 少年班学院 张梦鸽(女) 浙江嵊州    
24 PB12000723 少年班学院 张景宣 陕西渭南    
25 PB12000362 少年班学院 甘文强 江西宜春    
26 PB12207021 生命学院 王世伟 河南省安阳市    
27 PB12207019 生命学院 彭琦(女) 河南省邓州市    
28 PB12001012 数学学院 吴星星 安徽歙县    
29 PB12001021 数学学院 邢帅 山西太原    
30 PB12001072 数学学院 李银涛 湖北蕲春    
31 PB12203040 物理学院 陈创录 河南长垣    
32 PB12203050 物理学院 张振驰 四川省绵阳市    
33 PB12203103 物理学院 郭鹏波 江西省吉安市    
34 PB12203121 物理学院 韩冰岩 山东省嘉祥县    
35 PB12203182 物理学院 代白杨 陕西    
36 PB12210003 信息学院  焦金峰  山东省莱芜市    
37 PB12210026 信息学院 王伟 安徽省合肥市    
38 PB12210074 信息学院 吴泽 江苏省泰州市    
39 PB12210220 信息学院 隋洪建 河北省廊坊市    
40 PB12210197 信息学院 吴美琪 江苏省如东县



Goodwill 2010 募捐行动圆满结束

Newsflash: all 50 students are now covered. A thank you letter will be forthcoming soon...

Dear alumni,

These fifty 2010 students are seeking one-one financial support to complete their college in USTC.

Please read some of them below, and we hope you can choose to sponsor one of the students, and become one of the most important persons in his or her life for a long time to come. To do that, head over to our Become a Goodwill Sponsor page.


Goodwill 2011 Candidates

Dear alumni,

These forty 2011 students are seeking one-one financial support to complete their college in USTC.

Please read some of them below, and we hope you can choose to sponsor one of the students, and become one of the most important persons in his or her life for a long time to come. To do that, head over to our Become a Goodwill Sponsor page.

The students in red already have found their sponsors. And the others in black are still seeking sponsors.

Goodwill 2012 Candidates

Dear alumni,

These forty 2012 students are seeking one-one financial support to complete their college in USTC.

Please read some of them below, and we hope you can choose to sponsor one of the students, and become one of the most important persons in his or her life for a long time to come. To do that, head over to our Become a Goodwill Sponsor page.

The students in red already have found their sponsors. And the others in black are still seeking sponsors.